Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Final 10 photo critique

1) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Y_PLhE-aNqQ/Up4dwkN-teI/AAAAAAAAACo/-lNyQlGqt0s/s1600/DSC_5604.jpg

I really liked this photo for multiple reasons. There is a a great spectrum of colors in the photo, it follows the rule of thirds, the tree to the left of the photo is a great lead in, it was shot at a great f stop which is great for landscape and the colors are appealing.

2) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhs__iFtrS41JQQFYtm-cr946HD6OahyphenhyphenJKqd_Tg5m9edYapROF2fgKZajgJRfWSHfnhYLM2_dWjedHaUutCTD2oSgCaKeKXMjwwXteB9uDHqUVpYhPPsDIJqaR0RVOXdAGdzI7UMWMzclY/s1600/_RW_1758.jpg

This photo is kinda a mind bender. I'm guessing that its ice, but at initial look, you could think other things. It almost looks like a shot of clouds and weather systems from space, which makes for a mind trip. The contrast in the photo gives it great detail. This photo just really stood out to me.

3) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhAsU4D9pF3dU5MHIqrtmqrZiGzxHlRrljK3NMXoHLIXlPG8hdYWKSTn35kOmPvlxblZ_pheA-UeO8sg_Rth0fe_IiLv34v_dyR_nK08xrmSuxoJu00UoqZ88dqhVBQ1erV4NT6xsXiugkk/s1600/sun+set.jpg

This photo was really appealing to me when it was shown during presentations. Initially this photo grabs your attention because of the reds in the sky and water. Then you start to notice all the finer details of the photo such the surface of the water. The photo kind meets the rule of thirds, but is slightly off, perfecting this would have made it great.

4) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eec7_mx9iPw/UpuxP1fgmiI/AAAAAAAAAMY/ko2QTaGEqAY/s1600/untitled+%25283+of+21%2529.jpg

This photo was awesome upon initial glance. The changes in color are amazing and it follows the rule of thirds. The reflection of mountains in the water is great, but would have probably been nearly perfect without the little wind making the ripples. I think a little bit more detail could have been captured if using a slightly larger f stop, but overall a great photo.

5) http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Af42a-uHDF4/UqbJyRNHBzI/AAAAAAAALMM/GbnV3K8KaJE/w514-h772-no/IMG_2752.jpg

This is the first good moon photo I've seen in a while. I really like the contrast in colors throughout the photo. I would have liked to see some more detail in the moon. I think changing this photo to black and white might have gave the photo the detail I'm looking for. But the halo around the moon in the clouds is pretty sweet.

6)  http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pNwzt3DbgWM/Up6s1_VqZ-I/AAAAAAAAAH0/bl10P74vtd8/s1600/YNP-5386.jpg

This photo is just simply amazing to me. The warm colors really grab your attention and are inviting. The clouds don't even look natural, the also look like cartoon birds that were drawn in. And there's even detail and snow in the mountains towards the bottom of the picture. It really follows the rule of thirds as well. Great photo.

7) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh5ZyXxum0aKgg-_M_w6NlPBdBG8gyGwEB2D5ITP5aXNtOmgDxYXR1g2lKw6VUwivqWrjE9wAsbL507CQroMKb9dIQ7DomvihMB_IDsrMx6Krb6pmy0-eg3y8bsXN_VhuNO-A9bm_BF2QM/s1600/IMG_3615.jpg

This photo really grabbed my attention due to the extreme amount of detail that was captured. The blurred background made the subject really stick out and gave it more detail. It might have made it nice to have more image to the left to give the eagle something to look into, as well as the feathers on its nose pulled some attention of detail of the eagle. Great photo though.

8) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-85SOsS7YY4A/UqCmm1YOFfI/AAAAAAAAAHE/MCQJxaPbOPM/s1600/EDIT-1748.jpg

I really enjoyed the contrast of colors in this photo, and especially the ice reflecting off the ground under and around the bird. I like the detail that was captured in the bird, although I would have liked to have see a faster shutter speed to completely stop the bird. But have the bird positioned like it is in the photo is really appealing. Nice photo.

9) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg-WeAPZGYlPCu94PiABiu-vWZySFgQHcfKpUx9_fSX57grA-US4vO8tLwrCxQ-IzmnE62Fdtzd2kzK35v4wj-qihg0d1B-l6elg-KWJ2Rwpjfjc06R_J4ymwPlpMz7uLMi2pLnObXr1jGM/s640/Yellowstone+2013+302.jpg

This is probably one of the best landscape shots I've seen this semester. The rule of thirds is great, the water leads you up to and through the image, the detail is pretty good, and the way the photo is shot almost gives you like a tunnel vision affect. Great photo.

10) http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bhFugK8IJA8/UpuxJ5CtJFI/AAAAAAAAAL8/rob-htAytCU/s1600/untitled+%252815+of+21%2529.jpg

I really enjoyed this photo for the most part. The rule of thirds was followed well, there was great detail, lines that catch your attention and draw you through the photo and captured the essence of a more secluded portion of Yellowstone. My only downside is that it was a little over edited, other than that, awesome photo.